About Our Mission

Our children are getting attacked daily by the evil that is throughout our society.  With children being as vulnerable as they are, naturally being children, they need the godly teaching and instructions for a solid foundation.  If they don’t get that solid foundation in the Truth, then the evil in the world will influence their lives and will deceive and misguide them down a destructive path.  Public schools have been and still are being infiltrated by ideals and thoughts that are becoming more and more dangerous to children because of the government funding that promotes immoral teachings. Private schools are on the rise, being the primary choice parents are making to get better education for their children.  Not everyone can afford to put their child in a private school because the cost of tuition is way too high.  Home schooling is the second option, however, it requires one parent to teach, and a lot of families cannot live off of one income.  That is why LCA was founded, to provide private education without the high cost.

The Living Christ Academy (LCA) is a nonprofit 501(c)3 corporation that was founded on November 16, 2022 in Augusta, Kansas.  LCA's mission is to provide quality and affordable education to students, while establishing a solid foundation set upon the Word of God (the Holy Bible), so they can function in a Christ-like way in a fallen world, and to find salvation in Jesus Christ.

"One Nation Under God"

What we offer

LCA is working on becoming an ACSI accredited academy, that fulfills the state of Kansas educational requirements.  We will be offering online classes for K thru 6th grade, with studies in general education (math, reading, science, social studies, etc.), Christian education (Bible studies), and American Patriotism (US Constitution, Declaration of Independence, American history, etc.).  LCA will also assist those parents that want to incorporate LCA into their home schooling.  

Tuition is paid for by donations that LCA receives from churches, businesses, and private individuals.  LCA does not receive funding from any entities that would have stipulations and/or requirements that would compromise any teachings/beliefs of the Word of God, the Holy Bible.  Donations are always welcome from our families that are enrolled at LCA but are not required.

Please contact us via email at lca@LivingChristAcademy.com or call (316) 249-1920 for any questions you may have about Living Christ Academy.  Thank you and God Bless!

Certified by the IRS as a 501(c)3 Nonprofit Public Charity
Filed with the State of Kansas as a Corporation in good standings

Jesus said, “ Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; 

for of such is the kingdom of heaven.”   Matthew 19:14 NKJV