
LCA is a 501(c)3 nonprofit charity and all donations are tax deductible.  The tuition for all students are paid for by donations that LCA receives from churches, businesses, and individuals.  Donations are always welcome from our families that are enrolled at LCA but are not required.  LCA does not received any funding from any government agencies or from any other entities that would have any stipulations and/or requirements that would compromise any teachings/beliefs against the Word of God.  

Donation Goal

LCA's goal is to raise at least $650,000, so that LCA's private Christian education is just as affordable as public schools.  This will cover all cost to operate the academy for 75 students, 5 teachers (15:1 ratio) compensation packages, laptops, curriculum, etc.

If the Lord is leading you to support this ministry, please click the button below to donate today.  

We thank you for your support, both prayerfully and financially!!